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announcement of dsic for merger with daeyang

parties to the merger: dalian shipbuilding industry co., ltd. (“dsic”) and dalian daeyang shipyard co.,ltd. (“daeyang”).

respective registered capital and paid-up capital: the registered capital of dsic is rmb8,520,000,000.00; the registered capital of daeyang is rmb901,166,240.70.

type of merger: in accordance with the parties’ respective shareholder’s resolution and relevant agreement, dsic acquires daeyang, i.e., after completion of the merger, dsic shall survive with its registered capital (rmb8,520,000,000.00) remaining unchanged while daeyang shall be dissolved and deregistered. all creditor's rights and debts of dsic and daeyang shall be assumed and borne by dsic.

in accordance with the company law of people’s republic of china and other applicable laws and regulations, we hereby require that the relevant creditors shall, either within thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of notice or within forty-five (45) calendar days upon the date of this announcement if not receiving notice, make request to us for settlement of the outstanding debt(s) or provision of corresponding security.

in case of any query, please contact with the following person: mr. wang (telephone number: 0411-84482315) and/or mr. yin (telephone number: 0411-84482915).


yours faithfully

                                                                      dalian shipbuilding industry co., ltd.

                                                                      dalian daeyang shipyard co.,ltd.

                                                                      date of announcement: july 27, 2015

address: 1 yanhai street, dalian, liaoning province, china(to browse the contents, use ie6.0 or above)
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