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dsic staff boosts vlcc construction highlights one after another with prehistoric power

recently, in strict accordance with the requirements of corporate deployment, dsic staff have overcome the influence of continuous high temperature, persisted in the guiding concept of “to control the periods is to control cost, to increase the efficiency is to increase the profit”, planned the production preparation well, mobilized and organized the construction force effectively, centering on the works at different stages, pushed the plan backward from the milestone of launching date, enhanced the drawing up and fulfilment of standard periods for different series of shiptypes, and driven the site production management with a 3-day rolling plan. in this way, 300k dwt vlccs’ construction highlights have repeated one after another, where 3 major milestones have been achieved smoothly, i.e. one vlcc under sea trial, one undocking and another floating its first half section successfully.   


no.65 300k dwt vlcc has finished the sea trial task and returned homeward smoothly, which is marked 93.3 points for her pre-sea trial integrity with a common praise of the ship owners for building quality in various specialties. the battening down for the whole ship is done effectively 10 days ahead of sea trial to positively ensure the sea trial milestone to realize smoothly.


the forward half section of no.67 300k dwt vlcc has floated out of the small dock successfully, to realize her milestone 14 days ahead of the annual schedule. her docking erection period is 89 days, 19 days to be cut down in comparison with 108 days for that of no.66 300k dwt vlcc in the same series. furthermore, her undocking integrity has been improved greatly.

  it has only taken 25 days for the stern half section of no.71 300k dwt vlcc to take into shape, where completion of aes and emergency generator tests, boiler commissioning in port, post welding tests on the superstructure, deck ballast piping tests, butterfly valves pressure tests in tanks and me lub oil flushing tests has laid a solid foundation in narrowing the dock period and improving the ship integrity in the docking period. 

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