dsic (a subsidiary of csic) has grasped the market opportunities and got two new-build orders at the start of 2022, including a shipbuilding contract of six duel-fuel 16000teu container vessels with a famous european shipowner and a shipbuilding contract of four 37000t lake bulk carriers with the polish shipowner pzm, and achieved a good start for the year of 2022.
in response to the increasing global pressure of emission reduction for environmental protection and in order to fulfill the mission and duty of helping the green growth worldwide and making its contribution to the sustainable growth of global shipping together with shipowners, dsic has adopted the duel-fuel technology and optimization of regular power vessel to comply with eedi phase iii indexes. the duel-fuel 16000teu container vessel will be built in dalian and tianjin bases of dsic. the 37000t lake bulk carriers will be built in shanhaiguan base. these two new orders have guaranteed the growth of three ship and offshore production bases of dsic, and have also paved the solid foundation for the future exploration of duel-fuel container vessel market, batch orders of container and bulk vessels and improve the operating result.
the duel-fuel 16000teu container vessels have a total length of 366m, width of 51m and depth of 30.2m. it adopts the wingd duel-fuel engine and the latest icer-diesel system, which could reduce remarkably the emission of greenhouse gas and nitric oxide and improve the combustion efficiency of main engine. meanwhile, this vessel is equipped with the axle generator, and uses the air lubrication drag reduction system, which could boost remarkably the integrated economy and reduce efficiently the emission of greenhouse gas of the vessel, and comply with the latest imo regulation on environmental protection. thus, they are the leading new-generation container vessels in the world. dsic has been a leader in terms of the green development for global reduction of carbon emission, and has determined jointly the “ammonia fuel ready” plan with the shipowner. thus, this series of vessels has become the first batch of super-large duel-fuel container vessel with “ammonia fuel ready” in the world, which has enabled the upgrade to “zero carbon vessel” in future, and has set up a new benchmark for the new generation of green and environmental-friendly vessels. dsic has been implementing its high-quality development strategy with its actions.
37000t lake bulk carriers are dedicated for transporting bulk cargoes in lake area at the border of the united states of america and canada. this type of vessel has a total length of 199.99m, width of 23.70m, depth of 15.60m and design draft of 10.70m. it is equipped with axle generator, variable pitch blade and scr nitric oxide emission and purifying system. its eedi indexes comply with the eedi phase iii (effective in 2025) of imo. its steering, economic and environmental protection performance are better than similar products. the shipowner pzm ( polska żegluga morska p.p) is one of the largest shipowners and operators of bulk cargo vessels in europe. shanhaiguan base has delivered more than 50 lake bulk carriers in history. this order has signaled that shanhaiguan base of dsic has returned to the lake bulk carrier market and its performance, experience and production resources will be put into active use. |