everyone worries about the development of the epidemic disease covid-19. the leader and staff of dsic care most about employees who couldn't come back to dalian from the epidemic disease. the staff of dsic care about the health and safety of them and their family.
in order to let employees who have to stay in the epidemic area to feel about the care and warmth of the labor union of dsic, the labor union of dsic sent comfort letters and comfort money to them online through wechat. although the epidemic disease is ruthless, people are warm. the labor union of dsic always put the safety and health of staff at first, and regard the prevention and control of the epidemic disease as the most important and urgent job.
although employees stuck in the epidemic disease can't come back to dalian and resume their work, the labor union of dsic is always your strong backup since we are under the same sky. we hope that you continue to protect and take care of yourself, and also ensure the health and safety of your family. employees express their thanks to the labor union of dsic for their care and support and they all said that they will take care of themselves and their families and will win the fight against the epidemic disease with great confidence.